
Hi there šŸ‘‹

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Hi, Iā€™m Tariquel Islam Tamim, a software engineer šŸš€ from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently, I am working šŸ’¼ full-time in a software company from Japan.
Iā€™m a problem-solver, having competed in ACM ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional (2 times), NCPC, and various university contests. I also led the Software Team to represent my university and country in international competitions in the USA and Turkey. šŸ†šŸ’»
Besides coding, I love playing chess ā™Ÿļø and enjoy šŸž travelling to the mountains ā›°ļø a lot.


Languages and Tools:

android arduino cc cplusplus csharp css3 dart firebase flutter git html5 illustrator javascript laravel linux matlab mysql nodejs oracle photoshop php python react reactnative sqlite typescript unity vuejs


